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Stowting Church of England Primary School

Remote Learning

Remote Education Policy

Remote Learning Expectations

Where a class, group or small number of pupils need to self-isolate, or there is a local lockdown requiring pupils to remain at home, or the school has had to be closed due to snow or other unforeseen reasons, the Department for Education expects schools to have the capacity to offer immediate remote education.

The expectations for remote learning are as follows:

 Pupils have meaningful work each day in a number of different subjects across the curriculum.

Pupils are provided with frequent, clear explanations of new content through high-quality curriculum resources and/or videos.

Pupils receive a programme that is of equivalent length to the core teaching pupils would receive in school, ideally including daily contact with teachers.

Pupils can expect the following provision from school:

(This will be found on your child’s Google Classroom.)

A timetable of the week/day.     

Lessons plans, uploaded slides, worksheets and links to other relevant websites. These will be the same as the ones used in the classroom.                      

A motivational message from a member of the year group team (This could be Teacher or TA). This will involve a rundown of the daily timetable and a mention of the highlights from the day before.

Daily English and Maths lessons

Daily lessons in phonics in KS1 and Reading/ SPAG in KS2

Foundation lessons as shown on the weekly timetable

Feedback provided could be from any member of the year group team. It may be individual or class feedback

The teachers will ensure that the learning planned and the corresponding resources will replicate, where possible, what the day would be like if a child were still in school.

If you are unable to access the learning on Google Classroom, please contact the school and we will arrange for printed sheets and workbooks to be sent out to you.

Whilst it would be our preference for all children to be in school all of the time, the provision we are offering for remote learning is as close to the children being in school as possible. It will still provide children with the knowledge and skills they need to make progress, whilst keeping them engaged and motivated to learn.