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Stowting Church of England Primary School

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is a government grant allocated to schools via the local authority for the support of pupils from families who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals, children who are looked after or who have parents in the military. 

This funding is given as a way to address the possible underlying inequalities between these groups of children and their peers. It specifically targets disadvantage and must reach the pupils who need this  additional support the most. It is allocated annually. 

If you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals (this is not the same as the Universal Infant Free School Meals scheme for all EYFS and KS1 children), please either contact the School Office on 01303 862375 (your call will be treated in the strictest confidence). Alternatively, please see the Pupil Premium Eligibility criteria below or follow the link to the Kent County Council's website:

Kent County Council Free School Meals

Stowting Pupil Premium Strategy

At Stowting school, we are committed to ensuring that we offer high quality provision to improve the life chances of the most disadvantaged children. To ensure this additional funding has a positive impact on the learners who need it most, we assess, on an individual basis, which additional provisions should be made in order that pupils are supported to achieve their full personal and academic potential. Each of our pupils eligible for pupil premium funding is mentored by the Headteacher/member of Senior Leadership team. Mentors meet regularly with pupils to encourage and discuss progress, provide feedback on learning and offer support.

The funding we recieve will be spent on providing:

  • Short-term intervention programmes for underachieving pupils who need a boost to their learning in order to reach age appropriate standards 
  • 1:1 or small group focus sessions
  • Welfare support, for example through social skills and nurture group
  • Funding for extracurricular activities that will support well-being and development of learning, for example: school trips or clubs
  • Learning resources for home that will support pupils' learning in school
  • Identification of barriers to learning through pupil mentoring and implementation of support strategies
  • Specific resources for pupils with additional needs 

Pupil-Premium strategy-Statement 2023-2024 and Interim Evaluation of  3 Year Plan (2023 - 2026).

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023-2024 and Interim Evaluation of 3 Year Plan 2023-2026

 2022 - 2023 Pupil Premium Strategy and Impact of 2021 - 2022 Strategy.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-23 and Updated Impact 2021-22

Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed three times per academic year, October, February and April, with a final review of attainment, progress, strategy outcomes and implications held in July. 

Department of Education guidance on Pupil Premium